MLAPACK Routine |
LAPACK correspondence |
Description |
real |
complex |
real |
complex |
Rlae2 |
dlae2 |
Computes the eigenvalues of a 2-by-2 symmetric matrix. |
Rlamch |
dlamch |
Determines machine parameters for floating-point arithmetic. |
Rlaev2 |
Claev2 |
dlaev2 |
zlaev2 |
Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2-by-2 symmetric/Hermitian matrix. |
Rlassq |
Classq |
dlassq |
zlassq |
Updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form. |
Rlanst |
Clanht |
dlanst |
zlanht |
Returns the value of the 1-norm, Frobenius norm, infinity-norm, or the largest absolute value of any element, of a symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrix. |
Rlansy |
dlansy |
Returns the value of the 1-norm, Frobenius norm, infinity-norm, or the largest absolute value of any element, of a symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrix. |
Rlapy2 |
dlapy2 |
Returns sqrt(x^2 + y^2), avoiding unnecessary overflow or harmful underflow. |
Rlapy3 |
dlapy3 |
Returns sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), avoiding unnecessary overflow or harmful underflow. |
Rladiv |
Cladiv |
dladiv |
zladiv |
Performs complex division in real arithmetic, avoiding unnecessary overflow.
Rlarfg |
Clarfg |
dlarfg |
zlarfg |
Generates an elementary reflector (Householder matrix).NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES
Rlartg |
Clartg |
dlartg |
zlartg |
Generates a plane rotation with real cosine and real/complex sine.NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES
Rlaset |
Claset |
dlaset |
zlaset |
Initializes the off-diagonal elements of a matrix to alpha and the diagonal elements to beta.
Rlasr |
Clasr |
dlasr |
zlasr |
Applies a sequence of plane rotations to a general rectangular matrix.
Clacgv |
zlacgv |
Conjugates a complex vector.
Rpotf2 |
Cpotf2 |
dpotf2 |
zpotf2 |
Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rlascl |
Clascl |
dlascl |
zlascl |
Multiplies a general rectangular matrix by a real scalar defined as cto/cfrom.
Rlasrt |
dlasrt |
Sorts numbers in increasing or decreasing order using Quick Sort.
Rsytd2 |
Chetd2 |
dsytd2 |
zhetd2 |
Reduces a symmetric/Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form by an orthogonal/unitary similarity transformation (unblocked algorithm).
Rlarf |
Clarf |
dlarf |
zlarf |
Applies an elementary reflector to a general rectangular matrix.
Rorg2l |
Cung2l |
dorg2l |
zung2l |
Generates all or part of the orthogonal/unitary matrix Q from a QL factorization determined by Rgeqlf/Cgeqlf (unblocked algorithm).
Rorg2r |
Cung2r |
dorg2r |
zung2r |
Generates all or part of the orthogonal/unitary matrix Q from a QR factorization determined by Rgeqrf/Cgeqrf (unblocked algorithm).
Rlarft |
Clarft |
dlarft |
zlarft |
Forms the triangular factor T of a block reflector H = I - V^T V^H.
Rlarfb |
Clarfb |
dlarfb |
zlarfb |
Applies a block reflector or its transpose/conjugate-transpose to a general rectangular matrix.
Rlatrd |
Clatrd |
dlatrd |
zlatrd |
Reduces the first nb rows and columns of a symmetric/Hermitian matrix A to real tridiagonal form by an orthogonal/unitary similarity transformation, and returns auxiliary matrices which are needed to apply the transformation to the unreduced part of A.
Rtrti2 |
Ctrti2 |
dtrti2 |
ztrti2 |
Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rgetf2 |
Cgetf2 |
dgetf2 |
zgetf2 |
Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rlaswp |
Claswp |
dlaswp |
zlaswp |
Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rlasyf |
Clasyf, Clahef
dlasyf |
zlasyf, zlahef |
Computes a partial factorization of a real symmetric/complex symmetric/complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, using the diagonal pivoting method.
Performs the transformation ... where c, s, x, and y are complex.
Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2-by-2 complex symmetric matrix, and checks that the norm of the matrix of eigenvectors is larger than a threshold value.NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES"
Applies a plane rotation with real cosine and complex sine to a pair of complex vectors.
Computes the matrix-vector product y = alpha Ax + beta y, where alpha and beta are complex scalars, x and y are complex vectors and A is a complex symmetric matrix in packed storage.
Performs the symmetric rank-1 update A = alpha x x^T + A, where alpha is a complex scalar, x is a complex vector and A is a complex symmetric matrix in packed storage.
Computes the matrix-vector product y = alpha Ax + beta y, where alpha and beta are complex scalars, x and y are complex vectors and A is a complex symmetric matrix.
Performs the symmetric rank-1 update A = alpha x x^T + A, where alpha is a complex scalar, x is a complex vector and A is a complex symmetric matrix.
Finds the index of the element whose real part has maximum absolute value (similar to the Level 1 MBLAS iCamax, but using the absolute value of the real part).
Forms the 1-norm of a complex vector (similar to the Level 1 MBLAS RCasum, but using the true absolute value).
Rpotrs |
dpotrs |
- |
Rpotrs solves a system of linear equations A*X = B with a symmetric positive definite matrix A
Rposv |
dposv |
- |
Rposv computes the solution to a real system of linear equations A * X = B.
Rgeequ |
dgeequ |
- |
Rgeequ computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an M-by-N matrix A and reduce its condition number.
Rlatrs |
dlatrs |
- |
Rlatrs solves one of the triangular systems A *x = s*b or A'*x = s*b with scaling to prevent overflow.
Rlacn2 |
Clacn2 |
dlacn2 |
zlacn2 |
Estimates the 1-norm of a square matrix, using reverse communication for evaluating matrix-vector products. These routinese are thread safe version of Rlacon/Clacon.
Rgecon |
-- |
dgecon |
- |
Rgecon estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a general real matrix A, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm