MLAPACK driver/computational routines

List for LAPACK driver/computational routines
Driver routines are listed in bold type, for example Rgbsv and Cgbsv.
MLAPACK Routine LAPACK correspondence Description
real complex real complex  
Rsteqr Csteqr dsteqr zsteqr Computes all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix, using the implicit QL or QR algorithm. NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES and "I"
Rsterf   dsterf   Computes all eigenvalues of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix, using a root-free variant of the QL or QR algorithm. NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES and "I"
Rorgqr Cungqr dorgqr zungqr Generates all or part of the orthogonal/unitary matrix Q from a QR factorization determined by Rgeqrf/Cgeqrf.
Rorgql Cungql dorgql zungql Generates all or part of the orthogonal/unitary matrix Q from a QL factorization determined by Rgeqlf/Cgeqlf.
Rsytrd Chetrd dsytrd zhetrd Reduces a symmetric/Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form by an orthogonal/unitary similarity transformation.
Rorgtr Cungtr dorgtr zungtr Generates the orthogonal/unitary transformation matrix from a reduction to tridiagonal form determined by Rsytrd/Chetrd.
Rsyev Cheev dsyev zheev Computes all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of a symmetric/Hermitian matrix.
Rpotrf Cpotrf dpotrf zpotrf Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix.
Rtrtri Ctrtri dtrtri ztrtri Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix.
Rgetrf Cgetrf dgetrf zgetrf Computes an LU factorization of a general matrix, using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
Rgetri Cgetri dgetri zgetri Computes the inverse of a general matrix, using the LU factorization computed by Rgetrf/Cgetrf.
Rgetrs Cgetrs dgetrs zgetrs Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B, A^T X=B or A^H X=B, using the LU factorization computed by Rgetrf/Cgetrf.
Rgesv Cgesv dgesv zgesv Solves a general system of linear equations AX=B.
Rtrtrs Ctrtrs dtrtrs ztrtrs Solves a triangular system of linear equations A X=B, A^T X=B or A^H X=B.

MLAPACK auxiliary routines

List for LAPACK auxliary routines
MLAPACK Routine LAPACK correspondence Description
real complex real complex  
Rlae2   dlae2   Computes the eigenvalues of a 2-by-2 symmetric matrix.
Rlamch   dlamch   Determines machine parameters for floating-point arithmetic.
Rlaev2 Claev2 dlaev2 zlaev2 Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2-by-2 symmetric/Hermitian matrix.
Rlassq Classq dlassq zlassq Updates a sum of squares represented in scaled form.
Rlanst Clanht dlanst zlanht Returns the value of the 1-norm, Frobenius norm, infinity-norm, or the largest absolute value of any element, of a symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrix.
Rlansy Clansy Clanhe dlansy zlansy,zlanhe Returns the value of the 1-norm, Frobenius norm, infinity-norm, or the largest absolute value of any element, of a symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrix.
Rlapy2   dlapy2   Returns sqrt(x^2 + y^2), avoiding unnecessary overflow or harmful underflow.
Rlapy3   dlapy3   Returns sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2), avoiding unnecessary overflow or harmful underflow.
Rladiv Cladiv dladiv zladiv Performs complex division in real arithmetic, avoiding unnecessary overflow.
Rlarfg Clarfg dlarfg zlarfg Generates an elementary reflector (Householder matrix).NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES
Rlartg Clartg dlartg zlartg Generates a plane rotation with real cosine and real/complex sine.NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES
Rlaset Claset dlaset zlaset Initializes the off-diagonal elements of a matrix to alpha and the diagonal elements to beta.
Rlasr Clasr dlasr zlasr Applies a sequence of plane rotations to a general rectangular matrix.
  Clacgv   zlacgv Conjugates a complex vector.
Rpotf2 Cpotf2 dpotf2 zpotf2 Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric/Hermitian positive definite matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rlascl Clascl dlascl zlascl Multiplies a general rectangular matrix by a real scalar defined as cto/cfrom. NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES
Rlasrt   dlasrt   Sorts numbers in increasing or decreasing order using Quick Sort.
Rsytd2 Chetd2 dsytd2 zhetd2 Reduces a symmetric/Hermitian matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form by an orthogonal/unitary similarity transformation (unblocked algorithm).
Rlarf Clarf dlarf zlarf Applies an elementary reflector to a general rectangular matrix.
Rorg2l Cung2l dorg2l zung2l Generates all or part of the orthogonal/unitary matrix Q from a QL factorization determined by Rgeqlf/Cgeqlf (unblocked algorithm).
Rorg2r Cung2r dorg2r zung2r Generates all or part of the orthogonal/unitary matrix Q from a QR factorization determined by Rgeqrf/Cgeqrf (unblocked algorithm).
Rlarft Clarft dlarft zlarft Forms the triangular factor T of a block reflector H = I - V^T V^H. NOT CHECKED FOR TAU[i]=0 for some CASES
Rlarfb Clarfb dlarfb zlarfb Applies a block reflector or its transpose/conjugate-transpose to a general rectangular matrix.
Rlatrd Clatrd dlatrd zlatrd Reduces the first nb rows and columns of a symmetric/Hermitian matrix A to real tridiagonal form by an orthogonal/unitary similarity transformation, and returns auxiliary matrices which are needed to apply the transformation to the unreduced part of A.
Rtrti2 Ctrti2 dtrti2 ztrti2 Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rgetf2 Cgetf2 dgetf2 zgetf2 Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rlaswp Claswp dlaswp zlaswp Computes the inverse of a triangular matrix (unblocked algorithm).
Rlasyf Clasyf, Clahef dlasyf zlasyf, zlahef Computes a partial factorization of a real symmetric/complex symmetric/complex Hermitian indefinite matrix, using the diagonal pivoting method.
  Clacrm   zlacrm Performs the transformation ... where c, s, x, and y are complex.
  Claesy   zlaesy Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a 2-by-2 complex symmetric matrix, and checks that the norm of the matrix of eigenvectors is larger than a threshold value.NOT CHECKED FOR EXTREME CASES"
  Crot   zrot Applies a plane rotation with real cosine and complex sine to a pair of complex vectors.
  Cspmv   zspmv Computes the matrix-vector product y = alpha Ax + beta y, where alpha and beta are complex scalars, x and y are complex vectors and A is a complex symmetric matrix in packed storage.
  Cspr   zspr Performs the symmetric rank-1 update A = alpha x x^T + A, where alpha is a complex scalar, x is a complex vector and A is a complex symmetric matrix in packed storage.
  Csymv   zsymv Computes the matrix-vector product y = alpha Ax + beta y, where alpha and beta are complex scalars, x and y are complex vectors and A is a complex symmetric matrix.
  Csyr   zsyr Performs the symmetric rank-1 update A = alpha x x^T + A, where alpha is a complex scalar, x is a complex vector and A is a complex symmetric matrix.
  iCmax1   izmax1 Finds the index of the element whose real part has maximum absolute value (similar to the Level 1 MBLAS iCamax, but using the absolute value of the real part).
  RCsum1   dzsum1 Forms the 1-norm of a complex vector (similar to the Level 1 MBLAS RCasum, but using the true absolute value).
Rpotrs dpotrs - Rpotrs solves a system of linear equations A*X = B with a symmetric positive definite matrix A
Rposv dposv - Rposv computes the solution to a real system of linear equations A * X = B.
Rgeequ dgeequ - Rgeequ computes row and column scalings intended to equilibrate an M-by-N matrix A and reduce its condition number.
Rlatrs dlatrs - Rlatrs solves one of the triangular systems A *x = s*b or A'*x = s*b with scaling to prevent overflow.
Rlacn2 Clacn2 dlacn2 zlacn2 Estimates the 1-norm of a square matrix, using reverse communication for evaluating matrix-vector products. These routinese are thread safe version of Rlacon/Clacon.
Rgecon -- dgecon - Rgecon estimates the reciprocal of the condition number of a general real matrix A, in either the 1-norm or the infinity-norm

$Id: mlapack_routines.html,v 1.16 2010/08/13 03:50:41 nakatamaho Exp $